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TV Products


The Web-TV format

Already in 2009 the online TV portal went online. Initially almost as pure video collection of past events. From 2010, we produced films ourselves, more than 15 race reports with our new format „triSociety“ were filmed in 2010. In October 2010, the brand new portal went online with its own server, it includes its own web-TV player with its own program, including selection capability. The seer can make 8 different channels from their program together. In 2011, we have no fewer than 40 productions handled, including for the Web-TV format of the Austrian Triathlon Federation, „Austriathlon TV.“ Operators have the opportunity to book us for their events. From cheap package through to the high-end production including DVD production, everything is possible.


dvd DVD „Best of 2011 + 2012“

A milestone in the history of our media we have succeeded with the production of the DVD „Best of 2011“. Never before has someone been able to create the best races in the German-speaking countries on a DVD. Seven pure races (Ironman 70.3 St. Poelten, Austria Ironman, Challenge Roth, Trumer Triathlon, Ironman Regensburg, Austria Triathlon Podersdorf, Trimotion Saalfelden), a total of 105 minutes deposited with epic action film music awaits the seers of our premiere DVD. Among the productions are 100 percent to productions. The DVD is available since October 2011 in the trade and had to be first plenished already after 4 weeks.



In recent years, we have delivered more than 100 productions, including the Web-TV format of the Austrian Triathlon Federation, „Austriathlon TV“. Operators have the option to book us for their events. From affordable package through to high-end production, including DVD production, anything is possible.

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