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Licence Products

Since the year 2011, our partners have the opportunity to use our strong brand triaguide for products created especially for them. triaguide cares in collaboration with partners around the conception, design, printing and distribution of the print product.

triaguide travel


In cooperation with one of the leading travel operator in Austria triaguide the first licensed product was realized. A special trip with the best destinations and services for triathlon training camp and travel. Through the exclusive partnership with the travel provider RUEFA we can provide such a comprehensive, varied and offer reliable travel together. Supports, the once-yearly trip special with a dedicated website, to be found in the future, news and interesting offers.


Fan-Special Austria Triathlon Podersdorf (2012)

25-Jahre Austria Triathlon

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the oldest long-distance triathlon in Austria, the Austria Triathlon Podersdorf, we could put our Fan Special concept for this event. [Divider]

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